Past Funding Sources

Our past funding sources were:

  • Action Aid
    Supported a project on right to food and livelihood
  • Cordaid
    Supported a project on Dalit women empowerment
  • Indo-German Social Service Society
    Supported a project on Dalit empowerment
  • Oxfam (India) Trust
    Supported a project on primary education for Dalit girls
  • Karl Kubel Stiftung
    Supported a project on sustainable development of Dalit women
  • Gauri Chowdhury, New Delhi
  • Jagori, New Delhi
  • Ministry of Human Resource Development, New Delhi
  • Council of Advancement of People’s Action and Rural Technology (CAPART), New Delhi
  • BBC World Service Trust, Lucknow

We take this opportunity to thank all the present and past funders without whose cooperation it would not have been possible to work for the cause of Dalits.