
  • Organisation mainstreamed marginalised children in formal schools with an average rate of 350 children every year
  • Three Education Support Centres are functional, providing education to 98 children of manual scavengers
  • A strong parents association (Mahila Manch/Abhibhavak Manch) has been formed with 550 members in it
  • A strong child collective has been formed by the organisation with 250 children in it
  • 132 school management committees (SMCs) were trained on the issues of school education, formulation of school development plans and monitoring schools
  • 10 Bhimshalas are operational, providing education to children of the manual scavenger community in Ghazipur
  • 3,750 people from Dalit communities received job cards under MNREGS. 2950 people received jobs and full payments
  • 275 youth linked with a government technical institute for skill development training
  • 1,950 women received the benefit of widow pension
  • 3,950 women received benefits of maternal health
  • 265 people engaged in manual scavenging were identified in Ghazipur. Of these 25 linked to alternative livelihoods
  • 100 health safety kits distributed among people from the sweeper community
  • 60 children linked with pre-matric scholarship.