
The organisation strives to provide quality education to the children in the area and to also mainstream dropout students in the villages. In this regard it established two schools named Purvanchal Dalit Academy and Purvanchal Dalit Balika School in Ghazipur district.

Also the organisation opened village level education centres for dropout girls. In these centres dropout girls in the age group of 6 to 14 years are brought to mainstream after providing them with primary education. These centres are active in Barachwar, Bhanwarkol, Mohammadabad and Kasimabad blocks under IIMPACT-PRDTI Girl Education Program. Similarly, for improving the level of learning of children belonging to manual scavenger community 3 Bheem shalas (tuition centres) were formed in urban areas. School going children from 1st to 5th standard are taught for two hours daily at these centres.

Apart from this the organisation is also working with 30 primary schools in Barachawar and Bhanwarkol development blocks. The organization is trying to make the environment in these schools ideal for education by creating joyful and friendly atmosphere with the use of innovative teaching methodologies, learning material, games, role plays etc. For regular monitoring of the schools youth groups were formed. These groups were further part of Mahila Manch and Abhibhawak Sangh (Guardian’s Forums).